Journées Chevreul 2012 : Chimie du végétal et lipochimie

Du 05/06/2012

Au 05/06/2012

5-6 juin 2012

Maison Alfort (94) — Ecole vétérinaire


L’industrie chimique prévoit une forte augmentation de l’usage des matières premières renouvelables dans l’UE et les Etats-Unis d’ici 2020, motivée par des coûts compétitifs et le souci de responsabilité envers la santé et les questions environnementales.
Cette tendance sur la longue durée ouvre des opportunités nouvelles pour les huiles et les lipides en termes d’applications à haute valeur ajoutée (lubrifiants, les polymères, les tensio-actifs ...) et ce compte tenu de leurs propriétés fonctionnelles et autre empreintes carbones favorables.
C’est autour de ces nouvelles stratégies de recherches et de développement industriel que seront centrées les Journées Chevreul de la Sfel : « chimie du végétal et lipochimie »


The Chemical Industry is anticipating a sharp increase of renewable Raw Material use in EU & US till 2020, motivated by competitive costs and responsibility concern towards health and environmental issues. This is a great opportunity for Oils & Lipids which inherently show a natural range of functionalities, from biodegradability to high value applications (lubricants, polymers, surfactants …).
To understand the strengths and opportunities of the Oleochemistry, and their related threats and challenges, we invite you to join the 2012 “Journées de Printemps

Lipochemistry in Europe, a challenge of regional competitiveness : From demonstration to industrial production : J.F. ROUS — Sofiprotéol, Paris

Oils and Fats
Metropolitan Oleaginous resources : A. MERRIEN — CETIOM, Ardon, France
The shift of fuel microorganisms towards (oleo)chemistry : E.SEVERAC — FAT & Associés, TOULOUSE, FRANCE

Oils and fats from southern countries for oleochemistry : J. LECOMTE — CIRAD, MONTPELLIER, FRANCE

Présentation complète (PDF)

Metabolic engineering of transgenic plants for the synthesis of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids- a terrestrial source of fish oils : J. NAPIER — ROTHAMSTED RESEARCH, HARPENDEN, UK
Market and technology challenges in the oleochemical industry : D.PACKET — OLEON, OELEGEM, BELGIUM


Polymers and Chemical Intermediates
Is there a peculiar physics of biobased polymers? : J.F. FELLER — Université de Bretagne Sud, LORIENT, France
Expectations and Perspectives for vegetable oils as a source of platform chemicals : M. CHATILLON — Novance, COMPIÈGNE, France
Plant Oils: The perfect renewable resource for the polymer industry? : M. MEIER — Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

Synthesis of biopolymers from vegetable oils: toward new renewable intermediates : S. CAILLOL — CHEMSUD, MONTPELLIER, France

Présentation complète (PDF)
Chevreul Award Conference : Prof. Uwe T. BORNSCHEUER — University of Greifswald, Germany

Enzymes in Lipid Modification: From classical biocatalysis with commercial enzymes to advanced protein engineering tools”
Well defined polymer from lipid-based renewable resources : V. CELTON — UEVE, EVRY, France
Vegetables oils as a source of nano-structured polymeric materials C. Alfos (ITERG, Bordeaux ,France)


Catalysis for biobased polycondensation materials : A. Fradet (UPMC, Paris, France)
Multifunctionnal catalysis and plant chemistry : J. Barrault (ENSIP, Poitiers, France)
The lipase/acyltransferase from Candida parapsilosis : application of its original features for the synthesis of fatty acid alkyl esters. ; E. Dubreucq (SupAgro, Montpellier, France)

 (Chair: Carine Alfos, Zephirin Mouloungui)

Development of continuous processes for vegetable oil alcoholysis in microfluidic devices : S. Tiebaud-Roux (ENSACIET, Toulouse, France)
Superhydrophilic interfaces and short and medium chain solvo-surfactants : R. Valentin (Université de Toulouse, Toulouse France)
PhD Award : Functionalization of vegetable oils and their derivatives for new bio-based polyurethane coatings : M. Desroches (ENSCM, Montpellier, France)
Vegetable oil modeling applied for the formulation of structured lipids V. Gerbaud (CNRS, Toulouse, France)
Fatty acid assemblies: from bulk to interfaces A.L Fameau (INRA, Nantes, France)
Challenges and industrial perspectives in plant chemistry : V. Lucas (Union des Industries Chimiques, Paris, France)
Concluding remarks : F.Turon (SFEL Vice-President)
Merci à nos sponsors :