Founded in 1943, the Association Française pour l'Etude des Corps Gras (AFECG) became the Société Française pour l'Etude des Lipides/ French Society for the Study of Lipids (SFEL) in 2010.

The association (article 4 of its bylaws) aims to:

  • Bring together players from industry and academic research laboratories, and specialists in oils and fats at national and international level
  • Organize or participate in national and international meetings, conferences and exhibitions.
  • Build up data bases, documentation and files, and participate directly or indirectly in the publication of journals, newsletters and articles.
  • Establish relations with any French or foreign scientific or technical societies or personalities on any subject related to the aims of the association.
  • Award grants, scholarships or prizes intended to promote research of general interest in the oils, fats, lipids and related industries, in particular through the annual award of the Chevreul Medal.
  • Publish: scientific and technical papers and articles presented at general meetings, plenary sessions, congresses and symposia in which it participates.

In concrete terms, SFEL:

  • organizes annual study days: the Journées Chevreul
  • publishes the proceedings of these days in the OCL journal
  • Annually awards the Chevreul Medal to two researchers whose work is an authority in the field of lipids.
  • Awards an annual thesis prize to a young researcher.

SFEL is a member of the European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid).

SFEL is also a member of the International Society for Fat Research (ISF).