20th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, 12-15 October 2025, Leipzig, Germany
Du 12/10/2025
Au 15/10/2025
More more information, CLICK HERE
5th International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants (5th ISLOA), Bologna (Italy, 8 -10 July 2024)
Du 08/07/2024
Au 10/07/2024
The 5th International Symposium on Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants (5th ISLOA) will take place in the fascinating city of Bologna, Italy, from 8 July till 10 July 2024. Lipid oxidation is a critical area of research with far-reaching implications in various fields, including food science, nutrition, pharmaceuticals, and health. The role of antioxidants in mitigating lipid [...]
The Future of Oilseeds: Prospects for Plant based Proteins, 23 – 24 Octobre 2023, Frankfort
Du 23/10/2023
Au 24/10/2023
The conference will offer you the opportunity to learn and discuss the latest findings on protein production, applications for food and its protein characterization. The presenters are from the oil processing industry, research institutes and food application industry. The presented information are aimed at all interested parties from the edible oil industry, consumer and industry [...]
19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress & Expo, 17-19 September 2023, Poznan (Pologne)
Du 17/09/2023
Au 20/09/2023
19th Euro Fed Lipid Congress & Expo, 17-19 September 2023, Poznan (Pologne) Deadlines: Submissions for oral presentations: 30 March 2023 Submissions for poster presentations: 01 September 2023 (30 Augusts to reach the eBook of Abstracts) Pour les infos Cliquez ici
Congrès 2022 de la Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse, 15-17 June 2022, Perugia (Italie)
Du 15/06/2022
Au 17/06/2022
Congrès en 2022 de la Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse (SISSG) se tiendra du 15 au 17 Juin à Perugia. La thématique générale sera sur “EDIBLE OILS AND FATS: INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN PRODUCTION AND CONTROL”. Toutes les infos sur https://www.sissg.it/en/congresso-di-perugia-2022/
Congrès EFL 2021
Du 18/10/2021
Au 21/10/2021
EFL: 18th Congress 18-20/10/2021, Tous les détails sur le site EFL