Fluxolipidomics of lipid mediators and oxylipins in blood compartments, November 2021 seminar by Michel Lagarde (INSA Lyon) given on LIPID MAPS.
Michel Lagarde is Professor Emeritus at INSA-Lyon (University of Lyon). In Lyon, he was INSERM Unit Director (1988-2006), and founder of the Institut de Biochimie Multidisciplinaire des Lipides (IMBL) and Chairman of the Board (2002-2012) and Honorary Chairman of IMBL since 2013. He was also Scientific Director of the LISA Carnot Institute (2007-2012) and President of several scientific societies: GERLI (1994-2001), ICBL (2006-2009), and ISSFAL (2006-2009). He has received numerous scientific medals, including the Chevreul Medal in 2010 for his work entitled “Oxygen metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and function in blood and vascular cells”.
Author of over 400 publications, his research interests have focused on :
- lipid mediators such as prostanoids and lipoxygenase products from various polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), in particular omega-3 PUFAs
- lipid peroxidation associated with ageing and diabetes in the context of vascular disease, with a particular focus on the biological activities of oxygenated PUFA derivatives and fluxolipidomics (“Lipidomics carried out as a function of time and in different biological compartments”).
- targeting tissues, particularly the brain, with structured
Michel Lagarde first became aware of Lipid Maps during a short sabbatical at the laboratory of Prof Ed Dennis, UCSD in La Jolla, in 2006. Ed Dennis was the founder of Lipid Maps in 2003, which since 2016 has been under the responsibility of Prof Valérie O'Donnel at Cardiff University (UK).
Lipidomics continues to develop with the creation of the ILS (International Lipidomics Society), which has organized its first congress in Regensburg (Germany) in October 2021. Michel Lagarde is a member of the “Lipid function” scientific group led by Prof Anna Nicolaou at Manchester University (UK).
In his lecture at Lipid Maps in November 2021, Michel Lagarde develops fluxolipidomics, as a targeted, time-dependent lipidomics to assess the function of lipids of different lifetimes, in a given biological compartment.”
“Fluxolipidomics of lipid mediators and oxylipins in blood compartments”, Seminar by Michel Lagarde given in videoconference on November 21, 2021 on Lipid Maps. Video on the LIPID MAPS YouTube channel.